Egyptian G-d Khnum And YHWH 2 !!!


Egyptian G-d Khnum 

Egyptian G-d Khnum was depicted as a ram headed. It was believed that he created the first children on his potter's wheel with clay from the banks of the Nile. In Iunyt (Esna) it was believed that it was he who molded the First Egg from which the sun hatched, and thus was a creator god who was 'Father of the Fathers and of the Gods and Goddesses.

Khnum also protected the sun (in the form of the G-d Ra) on its daily journey through the underworld.
Whatmost people don’t know is that Biblical story of Joseph found in Book Of Genesis is nothing but a direct borrowing from much ancient sources found in Egypt.

The Famine Stela is an inscription written in hieroglyphs located on Sehel Island in the Nile near Aswan in Egypt, which speaks of a seven-year period of drought and famine during the reign of the 3rd dynasty king Djoser.

It describes that during the 18th ruling of King Djoser, the king is upset and worried, as the land of Egypt has been in the grip of a drought and famine for seven years, during which time the Nile has not flooded the farm lands. People were suffering as a result of the drought and that they are desperate and breaking the laws of the land.

Djoser asks the high lector priest Imhotep for help. The king wants to know where Hapy (a river deity directly identified with the Nile) is born and which G-d resides at this place.  

Imhotep decides to investigate the archives of the temple Hut-Ibety (“House of the nets”), located at Hermopolis and dedicated to the G-d Thoth. He informs the king that the flooding of the Nile is controlled by the G-d Khnum at Elephantine from a sacred spring located on the island, where the god resides. 

Imhotep travels immediately to the location which is called Jebu. In the temple of Khnum, called “Joy of Life”, Imhotep purifies himself, prays to Khnum for help and offers “all good things” to him. Suddenly he falls asleep and in his dream Imhotep is greeted by the kindly looking Khnum. The G-d introduces himself to Imhotep by describing who and what he is and then describes his own divine powers. At the end of the dream Khnum promises to make the Nile flow again. Imhotep wakes up and writes down everything that took place in his dream. He then returns to Djoser to tell the king what has happened.
Famine Stele Describing Story of Imhotep
Discovered By Charles Wilbour in 1890.
The king is pleased with the news and issues a decree in which he orders priests, scribes and workers to restore Khnum´s temple and to once more make regular offerings to the god. In addition, Djoser issues a decree in which he grants the temple of Khnum at Elephantine the region between Aswan and Takompso with all its wealth, as well as a share of all the imports from Nubia.

In this story, biblical Yoceph is nothing but Imhotep. If the Exodus took place in 1446 BC, and Joseph brought his family to Egypt during the Seven Years of Famine, it would place Joseph about 1876 BC - meaning that the first seven years would have begun in 1883 BC. While many historians say Imhotep and Djoser existed in the 11th Century, while others say 27th Century BC, it is a "educated guess." 

Note: It is a very interesting fact to note that the Ram as a symbol of Yah appears in the Old Negev inscriptions. 

In any case, the parallels of Khnum and Yah are striking: both formed human beings from clay, sheep were sacred to both (albeit in different ways), both breathed the soul into the body (Khnum's consort did this), and both were symbolized by a Ram. 

In The Name Of Humanity !!!
Robert Mascharan


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