Egyptian Moon G-d 'Yah' : Investigating The Roots Of Lunar Cult !!!


YHWH and Moon God

Hebrew Name of G-d is Yah and it was known to be the name of G-d since Moses’s mythical exodus from Egypt and by the way what was the name of Egyptian Moon God? He was called Yah, coincidence?
Yah  equals to Iah or Ieue as it is said in Hebrew. One Egyptian papyrus says:

 I am Moon God Yah among the Gods, I do not fail ”.Interestingly when christians praise their G-d they use the word “Helelu-Yah ”, which means “O Yah the Shining One” . The word “Helel” means “Shining One”. But the similarlties does not end here .

 The Hebrew word for Moon itself is  “Yah-re-ach”  meaning “ Crescent Moon(H3394) And ‘Yareach’ is Hebrew name for none other than the Canaanite deity Yarikh !
This Egyptian deity called Yah  was once personified through the crescent moon, worshiped in humanoid form.

The word Jerico or Yah-richo in Hebrew means  Moon City. So they prayed to Moon God,other wise it makes no sense to name a city base on pagan deities.
Strong Lexicon gives a very interesting meaning for Yareach(H3394) :  Yah (Moon) Re(Sun) Ank(Light).

If Moon God ‘Iah’  is not the same as Hebrew YAH then try explaining why so many Hebrew names end like:

Ab-iah , Ahaz-iah, Amar-iah, Ana-iah, Azaz-iah, Bena-iah, Bit-iah, El-iah, Hilk-iah, Hezek-iah, Isa-iah , Jecon-iah, Jerem-iah, Jos-iah etc.

World renowned Egyptologist, E.A. Wallis Budge, defined the Egyptian glyph "Aah" (Yah) as a moon deity in his Egyptian hieroglyphic dictionary and equated it directly to the Hebraic word Yareach ירח 
E.A. Wallis Budge Hieroglyphic Dictionary
Vol. I. p.29b

The oldest Egyptian deity Osiris (Asar) is personified with the moon as ‘Asar-Aah’ who the Semitic Hyksos revered as YHWH after their expulsion (biblical Exodus) from Egypt by the Nubian 18th dynasty after ruling it for over 100 years.

Among ancient references, we do seem to find in the Papyrus of Ani several references to the god, though here, his name has been translated as:
In Chapter 2:

A spell to come forth by day and live after dying. Words spoken by the Osiris Ani:
O One, bright as the moon-god Iah; O One, shining as Iah

Even in the Theban royal families the name of the god Yah was incorporated into their names. The daughter of the 17th Dynasty king, Tao I, was Yah-hotep, meaning "Yah is content".
Ancient Artifacts Of Moon G-d Yarikh
at Tel Hazor in Israel
In the tomb of Tuthmosis III of the 18th Dynasty there is a scene where the king is accompanied by his mother and three queens, including Sit-Yah, the "daughter of the Moon-god ".

A powerful god of one region was often taken by another, including the Egyptians, and almost completely redefined. And this is how our own fictitious YHWH was born i.e  as an amalgamation of various pagan deities.

Even in Indian tales of Mahabharat we find  variant of Yah/Iah  as Ila. In versions in which Ila is born a girl, she is changed to a boy by divine grace soon after her birth. After mistakenly entering a sacred grove as an adult, Ila is either cursed to change his/her gender every month or cursed to become a woman. As a woman, Ilā married Budha, the god of the planet Mercury (son of the moon-god), and bore him a son called Pururavas, the father of the Lunar Dynasty.

The Linga Purana and Mahabharata emphasize the sex change of Ila to be a deliberate act of  God Shiva to start the Lunar Dynasty. Ilā gave birth to Pururavas, who grew to become the first king of the Lunar Dynasty.

In The Name Of Humanity !!!
Robert Mascharan 


  1. how cum no one cumz here

  2. That's because it takes Courage to investigate the truth and face it. Not many people have those attributes !!

    1. THANK YOU🐰🦁🐂🎰

    2. I am lauren jones. I keep hearing laughing and there were voices saying "set". I saw a statue shake and knocking on the walls. While in the bathrooom i was bathing in salt water my eyes were closed. This red bull figure standing showed up in my mind and head butted me. I was just startled. I just looked up set and his dad "geb" was known for booming laughter.. and was associated with red bulls. I was 32 then. People call me lor. My brother was Christopher jones. I need anyone who sees this to listen closely. To the air.. soon. Ai can be rewired and the pollution is in the rain. Salt divides the oil in the rain. Wheat did not absorb... vegetables have natural salt. Listen to to the Christian contemporary music... for a girls voice that is reoccurring.. important. My jejunum is failing.

  3. Yah is responsible for nighttime dew; Ea, (pronounced eeyah), eau, Iao, Yah, I (ehyah asher ehyah; I am that I am).

  4. ...forgot Asar-Aah.

  5. This article is wrong on so many point it is ridiculous.

    1. Can you show the mistakes that you meant?

  6. Hebrew name of God is " Allah " which means God not " Yah." The name YAH is the name of the Hebrew God. The Hebrew word for " Moon " is " Kodesh " not " Yahreach." So that article starts you off with the wrong information. That means everything else in that article can not be trusted as truth.The names of the prophets was changed when they revised the scriptures. Isaiah was Yahshayahu and Jeremiah was Yaremyahu because they all was " YAHU's " or " Jews." I could go in depth on this article and how dumb it is but nobody probably even cares.

    1. I care my friend. Thank you for that little light!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. ירח 'yah're'ach' Moon

    4. Muslims at one point of time was moon worshipers to look at that star and a crest

    5. yes
      the author of this article surely has made a classic blunder.
      it is "Allah" you mean........not Yahweh.....LOL

    6. Yes that is interesting because the female moon goddess quodesh is hather also known as ashera the lunar goddess who's name is allat and elah the female Allah . Let's put it this way Allah is infact hubal sin also known as Shiva Somanath . You tell me why jacob was anointing a linga with oil saying it was a stairway to heaven . Allah does not mean the god Allah is the male Allat , Asherah the tree of life Soma ,

  7. Anonymous - First off, your interpretation of the ancient dialect concerning the true name of the Eternal Creator is not accurate. It is more correctly written and spoken phonetically as "Ah-Hey-YEH" NOT YAH.

    Yah, or the YHVH is Moloch just as our Hebrew prophet clearly explains he is. The much later Babylonian-Judahites - "Jews", who even themselves in their own Talmud and their Jewish Encyclopedia admit, they are NOT Hebrew/Israelitish, nor have they ever been. As well, the YHVH is NOT a name, its a 3rd person reference title to Moloch, as also proven by the archaeological finding on Canaanite cylinder seals to be the god of the Southern Kingdom "Judahites", which were an amalgamated race of several Canaanite tribes, and not at all Hebrew.

    Below is a book that all of you should read asap.

    As well, "Allah" is NOT a name but a title. In the Hebrew the same word is "Elah".

    And yes Kodesh is ONE of several words used for moon, but so is Yareach, and I believe that was his point. That this word, as many alleged Hebrew words like - Mannah - come directly from the Egyptian language, because of course when they left Egypt, they were fully assimilated Egyptians, and no longer truly, culturally Hebrew.

    You were correct however to understand that they changed much of the texts, which occurred from before, during and after Babylon, but most are not yet aware WHO did it and WHY. The book link below will clear all that up for you.

    1. Would appreciate if you could check Strong's concordance on 3394. Yareach

      Original Word: יָרֵ֫חַ
      Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
      Transliteration: yareach
      Phonetic Spelling: (yaw-ray'-akh)
      Short Definition: moon
      It is a primitive Hebrew word, appearing 26 times in Old Testament manuscripts. Every time it is translated "moon", and in all the Hebrew lexicons.

    2. Daniel ��������yahweh ����yahweh ♎️Daniel ��️��Daniel ������������������‍��‍��‍��↕️����✡️����☪️��️��☄️������simple. An angel is a servant of God and a fairy is what you get to cross the Mersey. Daniel

    3. (Hosea 4:6) “My people perish for lack of knowledge!” (Daniel 12:4) “Knowledge shall increase,”

      YAHWEY is not The Creator (Obid:16). ( י ה ו ה) or YAHWEY is not the Self Existing One, not The Creator, nor God The Father! The negro~Babylonians & negro~Edomites usurped 4 letters from Paleo-Hebrew & made them into “new letters” in modern Hebrew to form a new name. That new name was ( י הו ה). Yahweh is on evil tarot cards.

      YAH isn’t the God of Christianity. YAH is just another negro fraud. When you say “HalleluYAHWEY,” or “HalleluYAH” or “HalleluJAH” you are giving your “HIGHEST PRAISES” to the Egyptian moon god.

      In 1278 AD Raymundus Martini of the Catholic Church, fabricated the name Jehovah from YHVH & JHVH. Jehovah did not appear in any Bible until the first “Old English” William Tyndale 1537 Bible.

      After the Exodus, Moses wrote the ”ORIGINAL NON-CORRUPTED SCRIPTURES” in Paleo-Hebrew/Greek in “1446 BC,” ( י ה ו ה) DID NOT APPEAR IN THEM. The true Sacred Name of the CREATOR GOD was in the surviving texts safely guarded and protected by ADAMIC Moses.

      There was no "J" until 500 years ago is a ancient Babylonian and Edomite lie continued on by today’s Ashkenazi Jews. During JESUS’S ministry on the earth, there were 10+ alphabets that had and used the letter J before the Greek!

      “THE SACRED NAME” So, what did God The Father say to Moses in 1446 BC? HE said “EHJEH ASHER EHJEH.” THUS SHALL YOU SAY TO THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL: “EHJEH ASHER EHJEH.” “I AM JE.” JE (HIS name) + SUS (God with us) = JESUS!

      His name was never pronounced “EA-SOUS”. With the letter “iot/jot” if you have a consonant after the letter “iot/jot” the name has the letter I sound. If you have a vowel after the letter “iot/jot” the name has the letter J sound. By rule, the O is silent. Therefore, when the apostles spoke to Christ they called Him Ἰησοῦς, Iesous, or JESUS.

      There is no such thing as YAHWEY-JESUS, or YAHUAH-JESUS, or YEHOVAH-JESUS, or YAH-JESUS. All of these “Y names” mean “ May His name Jesus be obliterated.“


      Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of Heaven. (Acts 4:10,12) By the (ONE) name “Jesus Christ of Nazareth,” there is no other name under Heaven given among ADAMIC [WHITE ISRAELITES] whereby [WE] “MUST” be saved.”

      (1 John 4:3 AMPC) And every spirit which does not acknowledge and confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God; This [nonconfession] is the [spirit] of Jewish antichrist.

      Please punch my link for more knowledge about YAHWEY the negro moon god, and THE ALPHA & THE OMEGA JESUS CHRIST! Your eternity depends on it.

  8. The Egyptian moon noun is Iah, The quote you have from the Papyrus is from the Papyrus of Ani which dates to the New Kingdom in 1250 BCE. Now, the term "Yah" or "Iah" is the noun moon. In fact, the depictions of the moon-god in Ancient Egyptian text is Osiris, Thoth and Khonsu, any depictions or mentions of Iah or Aah as a moon-god did not arrive until the middle/new kingdom; during the reign of Semitic peoples, who to the Egyptians known as the Hyksos.

    These middle eastern Asiatics brought popularity and use of Iah as a name. It was not the name of a Moon-God prior to that


    "" In the Pyramid texts of Pepi I he is referred to as the late pharaoh's brother.[2] He was especially popular at the beginning of the New Kingdom, possibly as the result of Middle Eastern influences,[3] when names like Ahmose, meaning 'Iah is born', and Ahhotep, 'Iah is content', were frequent.[4] In the Book of the Dead Osiris is described as shining forth in the splendor of A'ah.[1]

    Iah and his cult are but rarely referred to after the early New Kingdom.[3] According to the Late Period Teachings of Amenemope Iah is one of the avenging deities who will establish crimes against evil-doers.[5] ""

    Now, during this time during the middle Kingdom, the Egyptians favored the name iah or Aah as a name rather than a noun and used it to evoke the "mood-god". There are no temples or inscriptions in the pyramid text to this. You can look specifically in Pyramid Text Utterance 1001 A and see that Moon is spelled from the EA wallis Budge inscription as a noun with no determinative to God or goddess.

    Plus, you forget to mention Hebrew, and Egyptian being PAA or Proto-Afro Asiatic language families, they have the same roots in their pronunciations and Etymology. The name of God in the bible is used as such Ahayah-Ashar-Ahayah - Alpeh - Yod - Hey - Vav - Hey....

    There is a determanative in Ahayah to promote the pronunciation and use of the name... Now if you want to say Ah-Lah, which has both links to the Afro-Asiatic roots for moon and ALSO has within their pantheon as Allah the moon god, then you have an argument.

    But you hid the following...

    1.) Yah was used by semetics as a name, and was made popular by them not the Egyptians.

    2.) Yah is NOT mentioned as a god prior to the New Kingdom, but was rather a used as a noun generic as moon.

    3.) The Pictographic meaning of M17 is strictly a "I" or "A" Yod in Egpytian is the double-reed leaf with is "Y" this is not in the spelling of Yah but rather Iah or Aah. Ee-ah or Ae-ah

    1. Re-think it, KEVO!: As-Iah, Bena-Iah, El-Iah, Hezek-Iah, Isa-Iah, etc., etc. And, through the admission of the Bible itself, the Semites had no knowledge of the name Yaweh (Ex 6:3) until AFTER its revelation to Moses. Yet Iah was being used as part of theophorics BEFORE the time of Moses! Am I right?

  9. Just go with you heart follow it,allow your heart time to correct ie heal you comprehension of the details of history, your true heart is in your soul a partial truth even can break one free of the paradigms of this world allow the energy love in your soul to take hold of you ,this is the best path, your work in this site is as it should be dont seek perfection in this world just be soul , love to you yah

    1. Your soul es your sole of foot going to contain mercury about to fall apon you.. carefullll

  10. Sometimes the truth hurts thanks for making it as painless as possible.

  11. Ahmose: Egyptian: Jˁḥ ms(j.w), sometimes written Amosis I, "Amenes" and "Aahmes". Meaning Born of Iah -- Iah: Egyptian: Jˁḥ (transliterated as Yah, Jah, Jah(w), Joh or Aah) is a lunar deity in ancient Egyptian religion. His name simply means "Moon"). Iah was a creator god who was particularly concerned with justice and the poor.

    Ahmose I was a pharaoh of ancient Egypt and the founder of the Eighteenth dynasty. The eighteenth dynasty of ancient Egypt (Dynasty XVIII) (c. 1543–1292 BC) is the best known ancient Egyptian dynasty. He was a member of the Theban royal house, the son of pharaoh Seqenenre Tao and brother of the last pharaoh of the Seventeenth dynasty, King Kamose. During the reign of his father or grandfather, Thebes rebelled against the Hyksos, the rulers of Lower Egypt.

    He completed the conquest and expulsion of the Hyksos from the delta region, restored Theban rule over the whole of Egypt and successfully reasserted Egyptian power in its formerly subject territories of Nubia and Canaan.

    There are two Egyptian texts, one dated to the period of Amenhotep III (14th century BCE), the other to the age of Ramesses II (13th century BCE) which refer to 'Yahu in the land of the Šosū-nomads' (t3 š3św yhw3), in which yhw3/Yahu is a toponym. It’s not known positively if this became “YHWH” but it doesn’t seem the Egyptians made a connection with their moon god, but perhaps the connection is hidden?

    Most experts believe this yhw is a word meaning “to blow” or something along those lines. Others see a possible connection to “to fall”.

    I do find that it strains credulity to think the Egyptian moon god Iah has no relationship to a semitic god Yah. However, I have been tracing YHWH directly to the Edomites in the Faynan mining district of the Arabah. Specifically, to Sela (later known as Petra when the Nabataeans were there). Khirbat en-Nahas [aka KEN] is a large-scale copper-mining site in the Faynan copper mining district. Some experts think YHWH was a god of metallurgy.

    We are told that YHWH came from a home in Edom (Seir, Hor, Paran) and countless times that YHWH is a “rock”. Perhaps YHWH was a meteorite (associated with meteoric sources of iron in very ancient times) that was worshipped by Edomite smelterers in the copper mining district, and a group left there to migrate to the southern “Judah” region.

    Perhaps they thought this meteorite had “fallen” from the moon. Smelting requires blowing air and meteorites fall. This also brings up the stress on nomadic reverence for uncut (unhewn) stones – aka masseboth.

    It’s certain that the northern country aka Israel or Samaria worshipped the El pantheon of gods. They would have no legend of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, or twelve tribes. It’s quite obvious that YHWH was not initially chief god but gradually became a national deity. Only when the Zoroastrian Persians were in control did YHWH even begin to acquire “monotheistic” tones, although this god had surely been usurping attributes (and epithets) of all the other gods.

    I don’t see a one-to-one relationship between Yah and a moon god, but I do see that the general background is important to understanding the progression YHWH worship. There is probably a closer similarity with the name “allah” and El, the Elohim, etc. of Israel. The El names are also abundant throughout the texts and place names.

  12. Also -- Eber-nari and Aram-naharaim were the names associated with the regional origin of the people of Israel (the northern country, excluding Judah and the south). The northerners were Canaanites whose religion revolved around El and the Elohim. YHWH appears to have been an added deity, but not top god for them.

    Apiru, or Habiru, or variants, were known from middle Bronze Age or so. Many scholars think this is the source of “Hebrew”. In turn, habiru may be derived from “Eber” which was a region in Upper Mesopotamia, where many of the supposed genealogical names in Genesis are found as place names. They were apparently the same people known as SA.GAZ by the Sumerians. They were semi-nomadic mercenaries, brigands, runaway slaves, etc.

    The use of "Eber" as a "nomen appellativum" is common; it denotes originally "that which is beyond" – or across the river Euphrates. This explains the genealogy of the Semites. It is because "Eber" was originally the name of a region.

    Whether Eber (Hebrew) and habiru were indeed two forms of the same appellation has not been determined, AFAIK. But the same people overlap, and I haven't found different identities for them.

    Mesopotamia is also the biblical Aram-naharaim, Aram of the rivers, the region between the Euphrates and the river Khabur. In the ancient times, it was called Aramnahrin (or Aram-Nahrin) in Aramaic. The northern part of Aram-Naharaim was called Paddan-Aram, which is roughly speaking situated in southeastern Turkey. It is the country of origin of the family of Abraham.

    When Abram is called “the Hebrew” in Genesis, the Septuagint has “Perates”, meaning “Euphrates”. The translators of the Septuagint knew “Hebrew” was to do with crossing the river Euphrates.

    There are references in the bible stating the “chosen people” were descendants of Aramaean, Hittite, and Amorite origin. The northern kingdom was established not by conquest but by the rise of immigrant inhabitants who had not been city-dwellers. The Late Bonze Age Collapse allowed them to become the dominant population through confederation of local chiefs, which in turn became the Bet Humri, or Omri – the Omrid dynasty. It’s unclear whether there were 10 dominant tribes, some other number, or any tribes in particular except as they came to be known through later texts.

    The word Canaan appears to be “land of purple” or Phoenician, people who traded in the purple dye. The Israelites had relations with the Phoenicians and rulers of regions from Egypt to Mesopotamia due to their good location in connection with the important trading route along the coast.

    There was never a “united kingdom” or “united monarchy”. The south came to be dominated by invaders who must have introduced a “12 tribes” story which involved some purported Egyptian period during which they had been “separated” from the rest. Moses and the Levitical names are Egyptian, and that may or may not indicated they were in fact ethnically Egyptian.

    There is absolutely no archaeological indication of an influx of people from Egypt, nor any mass “exodus” at all. Where I differ from the experts who continue to try and locate the origin of YHWH in the southern Negev and northern Arabia is that I stay with all the references to Edomite territory (Arabah) and discount the references to Midian. The Edomite territory was later taken over by people who moved north from Arabia. IMO, like Abraham from “Ur of the Chaldees” (an anachronism), the term Midianite was an anachronism due to the late redaction of texts after Edomites had moved west and Nabataeans had occupied the Transjordan.

    1. Hey I'd be interested in your research, I'm on the same path.

  13. The Bible from creation to the crowning of Solomon is a grand cosmic myth, a story book of the constellations. YHWH is the moon god. The Akkadians deified their kings, combined them with gods and placed them in the constellations. The text was expanded like the Gilgamesh epic through expansion by parallelism and resumptive repetition. Scholars have yet to figure out the original text and it is not that hard to do. The stories went from Akkadia to the Amorites, Hittites, and finally the Assyrians who changed the name from Sin to YHWH, Marduk to Moses.

  14. 'Allah' is not YAH!!! Allah is pagan too. YAH is the Almighty One, our Elohim.

    1. Kindly have mercy upon yourself and stop Fooling Yourself.

    2. If YAH isn't His Name, then tell me "...What is His Name, what is His son's Name, if you can tell?" It's not Jesus because the letter J didn't exist back then and God isn't His name either, so what is His name?

    3. The “International Bible Society” has gone on record saying in “1446 BC.” when ADAMIC ARYAN MOSES began writing the “first five scrolls” the papryus were written in Kione Greek. The Jewish Tetragrammaton ( י ה ו ה) & the name of YAHWEH did not appear in them. ( י ה ו ה) & YAHUAH were never replaced 7,000 times nor were the “Y names” ever in any of the 5,255 known NEW COVENANT ISRAELITE texts.”

      These “darnel” invented the letter “Y” or “Yod” and they used it to replace the letter “J.” This enabled them to usurp the ancient 4 letter name for JESUS in their new Jewish Square Hebrew Masoretic text. Consequently, "EHJEH ASHER EHJEH" (Pronounced I-JE Asher I-JE) became “Ehyeh asher Ehyeh” and ‎𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 - Yahweh was born.

      Saying there was no "J" until 500 years ago in the modern Greek lie.

      ΙΗΣΟΥΣ is also pronounced IESOUS. ΙΗΣΟΥΣ is now the name of the LORD & CHRIST is JESUS without the letter “J” allegedly being invented only 500 years ago in the Ancient Koine Greek text. Jesus Christ and the apostles quoted scripture from the LXX OLD COVENANT of 285 BC. ΙΗΣΟΥΣ (John 1:14) the ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ, the ΠΑΤΈΡΑΣ in the flesh, with full authority, declared the KIONE GREEK SEPTUAGINT of 285 BC. as the received text; the inspired Word of God! Its pages reveal the Holy & True name of God. ΙΗΣΟΥΣ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ or ΙΣ ΧΣ is the name of the Heavenly FATHER & CREATOR God. The Holy & True name of HIS Son is Ιησούς Χριστός.



  15. Ahmose means bore of the moon lol

    1. Daniel ��������yahweh ����yahweh ♎️Daniel ��️��Daniel ������������������‍��‍��‍��↕️����✡️����☪️��️��☄️������simple. An angel is a servant of God and a fairy is what you get to cross the on't know at Yaho (YHVH)... The pharaom asked at Moses ...who is Yaho? ...if it was Ea the god sumerian may be Pharaom know it... But not is Ea(enki) not is yahweh or another local god... Pharaom don't know it !!!... now, If we search in the Merseyside. Dsniel

  16. The egyptians don't know at Yaho (YHVH)... The pharaom asked at Moses ...who is Yaho? ...if it was Ea the god sumerian may be Pharaom know it... But not is Ea(enki) not is yahweh or another local god... Pharaom don't know it !!!... now, If we search in the Koran of muslims can see later that the Pharaom take a only God, the God of Moses and surely rename egyptian God's with Yaho... so himself rename of Ramose at Ahmose (of Ramses at Amosis)...

    1. This whole claming that YHWH is moon god Yah is funny, this whole article is one bunch of nonsenses written by uneducated person.


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