The Gospel of Matthew: A Creative Invention
” The Church says that the Earth is flat, but I know that it is round. For I have seen the shadow of the earth on the moon and I have more faith in the Shadow than in the Church.”
“God is not averse to deceit in a holy cause.”
-Aeschylus Quotes
-Aeschylus Quotes
A) Text &Synoptic Scenario Of Matthew’s Gospel
The Gospel of Matthew became the first book of the New Testament. Here are some important facts about it:
- Time of Authorship: The Gospel of Matthew was written after the fall of the Jewish temple in 70CE, in Syria, probably at around the same time as the Gospel of Luke was written (as they were unaware of each other's writings), and almost definitely written before 100CE.
- A Copy of Mark: Matthew's gospel contains 92% of the text that appears in Mark! This is almost a copy; but Matthew corrected many of Mark's blunders about Jewish ways of life and proceeded, a few versions later, to add the chapters about the virgin birth. Matthew also uses a source that historians call "Q" - a completely unidentified source who was supposedly an original disciple of Christ (or a friend of Paul), none of whose work has survived, but which was quoted/copied/used by Matthew and Luke.
- Who Wrote the Gospel of Matthew? The document is anonymous. It was not until about 150CE that the author "Matthew" was assigned to the writings. In traditional pseudepigraphic fashion the author was based on a historic character, in this case on Mattai. Mattai was a disciple of Yeishu ben Pandeira, who lived in Hashmonean times, and whose story has many similarities to that of Jesus . Infact it is only after3-4 generation later that someone decided to assign it a name( FUNNY isn’t it?).
- Not an Eye-Witness of Jesus: We know that the Gospel of Matthew was not written by an eye-witness of Jesus' life, simply because it is a copy of Mark. No eye witness of such an important person(Jesus) would have needed or wanted, to simply copy someone-else's memories and already written manuscripts about him(Jesus).
Quite interestingly the first two chapters of Matthew, the virgin birth and the genealogy, were not even contained in the first versions of Matthew's gospel, and were added at a later date.
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Gospel According To Matthew Perry |
Synoptic Gospels
The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke are referred to specifically as theSynoptic Gospels because they include many of the same stories, often in the same sequence, and sometimes exactly the same wording. This degree of parallelism in content, narrative arrangement, language, and sentence structures can only be accounted for by literary interdependence.
According to the majority viewpoint, Mark was the first gospel written. Matthew and Luke then used Mark as a source, as well as a hypothetical sayings gospel known as Q (which could never be found)..
Matthew believed Jesus was a great man, divine, and also the Messiah. He set out in his writings to prove that Jesus was all of these things. He went through the Old Testament searching for any passage that he could apply as a prophecy of Jesus' divine nature. In many cases he found a text, and because he did not know Jesus, felt free to invent details in order to make the Old Testament text he was reading appear as a prophecy.
Here are some of the famous cases that can be used as proof of his untrustworthy tactics and furtive imagination:
- There Was No Virgin Birth
- The Guiding Star
- King Herod's Infant Genocide
- The Prophecy of the Two Donkeys
- The Crucifixion
The Prophecy of the Virgin Birth appears in Matthew 1:22-23. Matthew wrote this seventy years after Jesus Christ was born (35-40 years after he died). Up until that point no other text mentions Jesus' virgin birth. He quotes Isaiah 7:14 which was written 700 years before Jesus was born - thus claiming it was a sign, a prediction of the messiah's virgin birth.
But there is a serious problem. I already have stated in my earlier article Titled “Virgin Birth and Immanuael Theory Fallacy” that the word used is “ Almah” that means only Young Women and word for Virgin is “ Bethula” that was used around 4 times in that same Book of Isaiah so it’s clear that it was not about Jesus. The story in Isaiah 7:14 is unrelated to the birth of Jesus. It describes a siege of Jerusalem by the Assyrians about 715 BCE. The child that was born to the young woman at the time was a sign from God that the siege would be lifted and that Jerusalem would continue as before.” For more details kindly read my above mentioned article.
Another problem with this Gospel is that Messiah's ancestry , in that he will be of the tribe of Judah (Genesis 49:10, Micah 5:2, of the family line of Jesse (Isaiah 11:1, 10), and of the house of David , But the problems for these prophecies run even deeper.
If the genealogy in Matthew is taken seriously, then Jesus has as an ancestor Jeconiah (Matthew 1:12), of whom the prophet Jeremiah said, "Write this man down as childless, a man who will not prosper in his days, for no man of his descendants will prosper sitting on the throne of David or ruling again in Judah." (Jeremiah 22:30) The genealogy in Luke suffers from the same problem, since it includes Shealtiel and Zerubbabel, both of whom were descendents of Jeconiah.
- 50CE : The writer(s) of the gospel of Q were unaware of the virgin birth.
- 64CE : Paul died without writing of the virgin birth.
- 70CE : The writer of the Gospel of Mark does not mention it.
- 90CE : The belief appears in the writings of Matthew and Luke.
- The author(s) of John seemed committed to making it clear that Jesus' birth was not of a virgin.
Bullet points from Virgin Birth Summary :
“The apostle Paul makes no reference to the virginal conception by the mother of Jesus when speaking of Jesus' origins and divinity. His epistles were written during the 50's A.D. and predate all of the four gospels. Although Paul never met Jesus (who died about 30 A.D.), he personally did know James, the brother of Jesus. Yet despite this eye-witness link to Jesus, Paul apparently knows nothing of the virgin birth, for he states only that Jesus was "born of a woman" (Galatians 4:4) and was "descended from David, according to the flesh" (Romans 1:3), thereby implying a normal birth.”
Matthew would have been aware of all the Roman myths, being a Syrian. In Roman (pagan) myths there are many virgin births of great heroes and mythical characters, eg Herakles, Romulus and many others. For Matthew it would be unthinkable that the Messiah would not be born of a virgin along with these other great heroes. Matthew was writing for a gentile, Roman audience, in Greek, and he would have also known that his readers also would assume that Jesus, if at all divine, was born of a virgin.
In a fashion typical of Matthew worked, and of the way Roman mythology as a whole worked, Matthew included a virgin birth in Jesus' historical life in order to add credence to his story. He then looked through the Old Testament, and either in haste or dishonesty, appropriated some relevant-sounding text from Isaiah.
It is only a later Greek mistranslation that makes Matthew say "called Immanuel, born of a virgin", rather than "of a young woman". This saves Matthew from an accusation of deception, but no matter which of these two theories we accept, we see that there was never a virgin birth.
One of Matthew's plotlines is the three visitors from the East who visit the newborn Jesus. They say that a star came up in the East, however no other people in the story appear to notice this. It must have been a relatively unnoticeable event, a fairly faint star, only noticed by people who study the stars. The three visitors are called "Star Readers" in Matthew 2:1. However no other astrologers across the world at that time document this phenomenon. It appears Matthew made it up.
Another prophecy related to the birth of Jesus is the claim that the Messiah would be born at a time when King Herod was killing children. Only the gospel of Matthew (2:16-18) makes this claim, quoting a prophecy of Jeremiah (31:15) which states that "A voice was heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children; and she refused to be comforted, because they were no more." There are two problems with this alleged messianic prophecy:
1} It is not even a prophecy about children being killed at the First place. "Rachel weeping for her children" refers to the Mother of Joseph and Benjamin (and wife of Jacob) weeping about her children taken captive to Egypt. In context, the verse is about the Babylonian captivity, which its author witnessed. Subsequent verses even speak of the children being returned, and thus it refers to captivity rather than murder. The slaughter by Herod is also in doubt because the writer of Matthew is the only person who has noted such an event. Flavius Josephus ,the great historian, who carefully chronicled Herod's abuses, makes no mention of it either.
Many other myths, including more ancient Roman ones, had an event where all the male children were killed, and the famous Romulus and Remus and also the story of Krishna is (once again) a good, famous example. The story of Moses also contains a period of time when all Jewish male children are being killed by the King of the time, when Moses escapes in a basket pushed down a river by his mother. The princess who picked him out of the water called him Moses, which means "picked out".
In short, Christian Apologists in their Mad Quest for Conversion and Gospel Preaching forgot to do their little home work. By taking one verse form one chapter and applying it on some one out of thin air by having complete disrespect for context and disgust for the whole Chapter, is indeed SHAMEFUL .
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Gospel According To Matthew Broderick |
Mark wrote that Jesus rode triumphantly into Jerusalem on a donkey. Luke and John both stuck to this. Matthew was in the habit of "correcting" Mark's errors and on this point of Jesus' riding into Jerusalem, Matthew felt he should have been riding on TWO donkeys at the same time.
On all three times Matthew mentions this part (Matthew 21:1-7) he says the same thing, so it was not a transcription error. Why does Matthew alter the text in such a bizarre way? It seems he misread Zechariah 9:9: "mounted on a donkey, and on a colt, the foal of a donkey". We have already seen from Matthew's misinterpretation of the difference between the Hebrew word "Almah" and "Betulah" that he has a poor understanding of Hebrew. This passage also was misunderstood by Matthew.
“In Hebrew an emphasis is expressed by the doubling of a word or a phrase, like "and David's enemies were dead, and yes, very dead," so the original phrase does not mean two animals at all (as is also clearly shown by Jewish comments on the passage).”
Once again Matthew changed the meaning of the text to reflect what he thought it should say in order to make a prophecy come true, a conscious act of fraud in order to make the text fits his own personal opinion of the facts.
Jesus in the Christian Bible proclaimed many times that the world was about to end: judgement was about to come and he specifically said that this would happen in the same generation that he first appeared in. Obviously, there has been a delay. St Paul taught the same message, preaching the urgent admission of sins, because of the imminent end. The rest of the New Testament, especially the Book of Revelations, provides many more cryptic clues about when this will occur. This is what has spurred the endless stream of historical proclamations by studious Christians that the end is near. Matthew 24:27-44 is a lengthy commentary on when the Son of Man comes to end the world, but various hints and comments are scattered throughout the rest of New Testament. Some of the relevant comments in Matthew are:
- The imminent end of the world will be obvious to all (Matthew 24:27). Jesus quotes Isaiah 13:10, 34:4, saying that the sun will go out and the stars will fall from the sky (Matthew 24:29, copied from Mark 13:20-26). The Son of Man will arrive in the clouds with great power and trumpets (24:30-31 copied fromMark 13:27). There will be signs just before the end although no-one knows in advance at what hour the end-times will come (Matthew 24:32-39, copied from Mark 13:28-33). The end of the world starts with the rapture, when approximately one in two men and one in two women will be raptured and taken into heaven, suddenly, by God (Matthew 24:40-41).
- It is imminent: Jesus warns clearly that "this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. This world will pass away..." (Matthew 16:28, 24:34-35, Mark 9:1, 13:30 and Luke 9:26-27). In Matthew 10:23 Jesus warns his disciples to preach very rapidly in town after town, fleeing at the first sign of persecution, because they will not have enough time to go through all the towns of Israel before the end of the world occurs. In 1 Corinthians 7:27-31 St Paul says that time is so short, people should no longer bother getting married, mourn or bother with possessions: "Those who have wives should live as if they had none; ... those who buy something, as if it were not theirs to keep; those who use the things of the world, as if not engrossed in them. For this world in its present form is passing away". Matthew 8:22dismisses niceties of funeral arrangements "let the dead bury their own dead" because followers must join Jesus immediately, before it is too late!
Matthew contributed some very unlikely events to the Biblical account of the crucifixion and resurrection. For example, the Guards on the Tomb, the empty Tomb, the Angel, the Earthquake and the 3 hours darkness at Jesus' death are all very likely to be wrong. Matthew exaggerates elements when copying Mark to the point of making it up.
“Doesn't the fact that the tomb was guarded make escape unlikely, even if Jesus survived? Although one gospel accuses the Jews of making up the theft story, it is only that same gospel, after all, which mentions a guard on the tomb, and the authors have the same motive to make that up as the Jews would have had to make up the theft story: by inventing guards on the tomb the authors create a rhetorical means of putting the theft story into question, especially for the majority of converts who did not live in Palestine. And problem compounds and becomes even more suspicious that the other gospel accounts omit any mention of a guard, even when Mary visits the tomb (compareMatthew 28:1-15 with Mark 16:1-8, Luke 24:1-12, and John 20:1-9), and also do not mention the theft story--this claim is not even reported in Acts, where a lot of hostile Jewish attacks on the church are recorded, yet somehow this one fails to be mentioned. Neither Peter nor Paul mention either fact, either, even though their letters predate the gospels by decades. Worse, Matthew's account involves reporting privileged conversations between Priests and Pilate, and then secret ones between priests and guards that no Christian could have known about (27.62-65, 28.11-15). This is always a very suspicious sign of fiction. Such a story could very easily be a Christian invention. They had the motive to make it up, to answer the objections of later skeptics (just like the Thomas story in John), and the story looks like an invention, because it narrates events that could not be known by the author.
Other Problems:-
1. Matthew 2:14 says that Joseph, Mary, and Jesus left for Egypt after Jesus was born, but on the other hand Luke 2:39 said they went straight to Nazareth.
2. In Matthew 3:17 a voice from heaven tells all of those people who witnessed Jesus being baptized "This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased".Everyone that witnessed the baptism heard from God that Jesus was his beloved son.
Later on in Matthew the man who did the baptism is having doubts about Jesus (in Matthew 11:2-3). How strange is that?
Conclusion:- 1. Matthew is A Copy of Mark as it has 92% of Mark content in same way .
2. Gospel of Matthew was assigned an author as Matthew only in 150 CE i.e 3-4 generations later courtesy ,Christian Fraud, no one really knows who wrote Gospel of Matthew.
3.There was no Virgin Birth mentioned in Isaiah’s Book.
4. Guiding Star Story is mentioned by no contemporary historian in record nor by any Astrologers living at that time.
5. King Herod’s killing of Infants is also a Fallacy as no Jewish Historian has ever mentioned that. Also Matthew falsely try to make it sound like a Prophecy when in reality Jeremiah only spoke about Babylonian Captivity and also mentions Jewish people’s subsequent return.
6. Matthew projects Jesus as a Scooby- Dooby- Doo kind of a Jerk & and a joker by making Jesus sit on two Animals simultaneously due to Matthews Poor Hebrew knowledge.
7. Jesus failed to fulfill his word about returning in the life time of his Disciples ,in short he is a false Messiah.
8. The resurrection is a myth as Guard present in the Tomb of Jesus makes sure that no one goes in and out. And after Jesus resurrection no such testimony of such a guard is available to verify the claim either.
A lie shall remain a lie whether spoken for 100 years or for 2000 years. You can call a Pen a Knife for millions of years and that also so hard and fanatically that it may begin to sound as a knife to dumb and Brainless people. But truth is all out for sincere seekers, lovers of Humanity who wanna sit in the lap of Mother Nature being caressed by Caring of Earth.
As I just said in the beginning of this article that Matthew and Luke copied from Mark so Mark in short is the most authentic and reliable source . We shall soon see the Fallacy of Gospel according to Mark also a little later.
In The Name Of Humanity,
Robert Mascharan
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